IQQO has been undergoing collaborative agricultural technology scaling up project with Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR) during 2010/11E.c production year through our agricultural research centers (Sinana, Bako, Mechara and Fedis). As part of this collaborative research project, IQQO is conducting Wheat technology (Senate) scaling up in Jima Rare and Horro districts of Horro Guduru Wollega Zone through Bako agricultural research center. In this regard, field day was conducted for further popularization of the technology in the two districts from 08-09/03/2011E.c. Participants of the field day were from Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (heads), Oromia Bureau of Agricultural and Natural Resource (Deputy heads, extension director and others), Oromia Seed Enterprise (head), Heads and all staff of Oromia Agricultural Research Institute head office, AGP coordinator and staff, heads and experts from East and Horro Guduru wollega zones, Development Agents and farmers from the two districts.